What are the 2s at the end of LGBT ?

https://boutique-lgbtqia.com/what-are-the-2s-at-the-end-of-lgbt What are the 2s at the end of LGBT ?

What are the 2s at the end of LGBT ?

Introduction to LGBT+

To understand the 2s at the end of LGBT, we first need to clarify the term LGBT+. An acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, LGBT is an inclusive term for sexual orientations and gender identities that diverge from heteronormative society. The "+" symbolizes a commitment to include all identities beyond the ones represented by the four initial letters.

Understanding the "+" in LGBT+

This "+" encompasses a variety of identities, including Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and more. It represents an ongoing effort to create an all-embracing umbrella under which no identity feels left out. But what about the "2s" that occasionally appears at the end of this acronym? Let's dive into this.

The Historical Context of LGBT+

Understanding the "2s" requires some historical context. Sexuality and gender have been fluid and multifaceted concepts across cultures and time periods. As society becomes more aware and accepting of this diversity, the spectrum of recognized identities broadens.

The Expanding Spectrum of Sexuality

Within this expanding spectrum, there are unique identities that have deep roots in history but have often been marginalized or overlooked. One such identity is represented by the "2s" in LGBT2s: Two-Spirit.

Decoding the "2s" in LGBT2s

Defining Two-Spirit

Two-Spirit, denoted by "2s," is a term derived from Native American cultures. Traditionally, a Two-Spirit person is someone who embodies both masculine and feminine spirits, transcending the binary concept of gender.

Historical Perspectives on Two-Spirit

Historically, Two-Spirit people held respected roles within their communities. They were often considered spiritual leaders and were revered for their unique ability to live as both genders.

Two-Spirit and Contemporary Society

Today, the term "Two-Spirit" has been embraced by many Indigenous people who identify with its meaning. However, it's critical to respect that this term, and the cultural context it comes from, isn't universally applicable to all people or cultures.

The Importance of "2s" to LGBT2s

Representation and Inclusion

Adding "2s" to LGBT+ ensures that Two-Spirit individuals are recognized and represented. It's an important step toward more inclusive language that respects and acknowledges the diversity within the queer community.

Intersectionality and Diversity

Moreover, the inclusion of "2s" underscores the intersectionality within the community. It encourages understanding and respect for the unique experiences of those who not only identify as LGBT, but also belong to racial, ethnic, or cultural minorities.

The Impact of Understanding LGBT2s

Empathy and Acceptance

With understanding comes empathy. By familiarizing ourselves with terms like LGBT2s, we promote a more accepting society that honors each person's unique identity.

Fostering an Inclusive Environment

Every added letter, every recognized identity, contributes to a richer, more diverse environment. It signals to individuals that they're seen, they're valid, and they're included.

The Role of Allies

And, as allies, understanding and using these terms appropriately helps create a safer space for everyone to express themselves authentically.


In essence, the "2s" in LGBT2s serves as an essential reminder of the diversity and depth within the queer community. Recognizing and respecting this term not only contributes to a more inclusive society but also enriches our understanding of the beautiful spectrum of human identities.


  1. What does the "2s" in LGBT2s stand for?
    • The "2s" stands for Two-Spirit, a term that originates from Native American cultures, referring to individuals who embody both masculine and feminine spirits.
  2. What does Two-Spirit mean?
    • Two-Spirit is a term used by some Indigenous people to describe someone who embodies both masculine and feminine spirits, transcending the traditional binary concept of gender.
  3. Is Two-Spirit the same as being transgender?
    • While there may be similarities, Two-Spirit is a unique identity with deep cultural roots in Indigenous societies. It is not a synonym for being transgender or any other identity in the LGBT+ spectrum.
  4. Why is it important to add the "2s" to LGBT+?
    • Adding "2s" ensures that Two-Spirit individuals are recognized and represented. It’s an important step towards creating an inclusive language that respects and acknowledges the diversity within the queer community.
  5. How can I support the Two-Spirit community?
    • Education is a great starting point. Understand and respect the unique cultural context of the Two-Spirit identity. Using appropriate language and advocating for inclusive practices can also provide support.


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