United States Earns a “C” on LGBTQ Human Rights Scorecard
United States Earns a “C” on LGBTQ Human Rights Scorecard

The article discusses the state of LGBTQ human rights in the United States, highlighting that the country received a "C" grade in the Franklin & Marshall Global Barometers report. This grade reflects the complex landscape of LGBTQ rights in the nation, marked by significant progress yet considerable room for improvement. The U.S. lags behind countries like Austria, Denmark, and Sweden, with no state receiving higher than a "C" grade and almost all receiving a "D". The absence of federal protection against discrimination and state-level legislation, like Florida's anti-transgender laws, negatively impact the country's overall score. The "C" grade is not a condemnation but a call to action, underscoring the need for comprehensive legal reforms, societal education, and the promotion of an environment of dignity, respect, and equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The U.S. is at a pivotal moment in its journey towards full LGBTQ equality, with the intricate interplay of laws, societal attitudes, and international comparisons shaping the path forward. Read full article
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