Morocco : Controversy Over School Textbook Featuring “LGBT” Colors Morocco : Controversy Over School Textbook Featuring “LGBT” Colors

Morocco : Controversy Over School Textbook Featuring “LGBT” Colors

A Complaint from a PJD Representative

Mustapha Ibrahimi, a member of the Justice and Development Party (PJD), raised concerns to the Minister of National Education, Preschool Education, and Sports about a preschool textbook featuring colors linked to the LGBT flag. The book in question, titled “Au plaisir des premiers apprentissages” (The Joy of Early Learning), is currently being sold in the Moroccan market. Ibrahimi, in a written question to Minister Chakib Benmoussa, called the ministry's approval for its sale a “dangerous precedent.”

Read also : Diplomatic Tensions Between Iran and Australia After LGBT+ Post

Allegations of Straying from Moroccan Values

Ibrahimi expressed his outrage, stating that the inclusion of such imagery contradicts the values of Morocco, which are deeply rooted in Islam. He described it as a “deliberate attempt to undermine the Moroccan social fabric” by promoting “decadence” and normalizing “moral corruption,” especially by targeting preschool-aged children. In his view, distributing this textbook represents a direct attack on the nation’s moral standards and seeks to misguide future generations.

Calls for Investigation and Punishment

The PJD deputy demanded a thorough investigation into what he labeled a “scandal” and called for strict penalties against those responsible for this “abhorrent” incident. He also sought clarification on the ministry’s plans to ensure that similar violations of Morocco’s constitution, where Islam is central to national identity, do not occur in the future.

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