Censorship of Gender-Related Terms

https://boutique-lgbtqia.com/censorship-of-gender-related-terms Censorship of Gender-Related Terms

Suspension of Pending Publications at the CDC

The Trump administration has temporarily ordered the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to suspend the release of their pending research. This pause aims to review the content and exclude certain terms deemed inappropriate, such as “gender,” “LGBT,” “pregnant person,” or “non-binary.”

An Ideological Constraint for Researchers

This directive requires CDC-affiliated scientists to remove the prohibited expressions under penalty of having their names removed from the relevant studies. This situation leads to a form of “preventive self-censorship,” with researchers preferring to comply with the new requirements rather than risk sanctions.

Broader Restrictions Within Federal Agencies
This measure is part of a wider set of restrictions imposed on federal institutions. Starting January 31, the CDC’s website was modified to remove any mention of gender identities, in accordance with an injunction from the Office of Personnel Management. This change follows an executive order signed by Donald Trump upon his return to the presidency, prohibiting the use of public funds to finance programs that include notions of gender diversity.

Read Also: Executive Order on Transgender Athletes

A Significant Impact on Public Health Research

According to Inside Medicine, which first reported the information, and Reuters, which confirmed it, this ban is likely to affect numerous scientific studies. Indeed, using these terms is essential for demographic analyses and public health research.

Political Influence on the CDC

Currently, the CDC is led by Susan Monarez, appointed on an interim basis, who is the only director installed by the current administration. This situation raises concerns about the political influence being exerted on the institution and the possible repercussions on public health research, which relies on inclusivity and recognition of diverse realities.

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